2022.04.28.Our managed vessel “APOLLON LEADER” is awarded Best Quality Ship 2021!
APOLLON LEADER, a car carrier owned, manned and managed by Mitsubishi Ore Transport(MOT) has been awarded Best Quality Ship 2021 by Japan Federation of Pilots’ Associations[Note1].
The award was founded in 2003 to establish vessel’s safe operation and deep awareness to protect ports and marine enviroments.[Note2]
This year, 7 vessels were selected from those which pilots actually got onboard and judged to be excellent in light of operation and equipment.[Note3]
Cape size bulker, SANTA LUCIA also received Best Quality Ship 2010.
<Overview of APOLLON LEADER>

Breadth: 32.26m
Tonnage gross: 60,213
capability: 6,341 vehicles
Note1:Japan Federation of Pilots’ Associations
Note2: Refer to the details of Best quality sihp.(Japanse only)
Criteria as follows.
=Boarding equipment=
All the requirements of the SOLAS Regulations and IMO recommendations for pilot boading and disembarking equipment have been satisfied. Also, the pilot boarding and disembarking safety measures satisfy Pilot Association requirements including but not limited to managing lee side.
=navigation equipment=
-All equipment, including main engine, steering system, side thruster and other navigational equipment are maintained and working in good condition.
– Appropriate charts are prepared and updated properly.
– Vessel complied / performed regulated navigational signals. Vessel helmsman executed pilot’s order completely with clear answer back.
– Master and OOW regularly fixed her position and report same to the pilot. Master and OOW maintained keep sharp look out. That information well shared with pilot.
– Crew training for BRM is maintained high standard and maintained good communication including documents(pilot card).
– Master and crew’s mind set for safety navigation is high and vessel’s chain of command is fully functioned and full support for pilot operation..